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Mobil Bekas Bali  »  Ford  »  Escape
ID iklan: 31857       ID member: 15634       Hubungi penjual:   Hugo hananto    0811 7228 191    
Ford escape 2008 Limited edition sunroof terawat (IMG-20200718-WA0016.jpg) Ford escape 2008 Limited edition sunroof terawat (IMG-20200718-WA0019.jpg) Ford escape 2008 Limited edition sunroof terawat (IMG-20200718-WA0018.jpg) Ford escape 2008 Limited edition sunroof terawat (IMG-20200718-WA0020.jpg) Ford escape 2008 Limited edition sunroof terawat (IMG-20200718-WA0021.jpg) Ford escape 2008 Limited edition sunroof terawat (IMG-20200718-WA0022.jpg) Ford escape 2008 Limited edition sunroof terawat (IMG-20200718-WA0011.jpg) Ford escape 2008 Limited edition sunroof terawat (IMG-20200718-WA0012.jpg) Ford escape 2008 Limited edition sunroof terawat (IMG-20200718-WA0013.jpg) Ford escape 2008 Limited edition sunroof terawat (IMG-20200718-WA0023.jpg) Ford escape 2008 Limited edition sunroof terawat (IMG-20200718-WA0024.jpg) Ford escape 2008 Limited edition sunroof terawat (IMG-20200718-WA0014.jpg) Ford escape 2008 Limited edition sunroof terawat (IMG-20200718-WA0025.jpg) Ford escape 2008 Limited edition sunroof terawat (IMG-20200718-WA0026.jpg) Ford escape 2008 Limited edition sunroof terawat (IMG-20200718-WA0027.jpg) Ford escape 2008 Limited edition sunroof terawat (IMG-20200718-WA0028.jpg) Ford escape 2008 Limited edition sunroof terawat (IMG-20200718-WA0029.jpg) Ford escape 2008 Limited edition sunroof terawat (IMG-20200718-WA0015.jpg) Ford escape 2008 Limited edition sunroof terawat (IMG-20200718-WA0017.jpg) Ford escape 2008 Limited edition sunroof terawat (IMG-20200718-WA0030.jpg)

Ford Escape tahun 2008

Rp. 85.000.000
Kondisi: BEKAS
Kilometer: 210.000 km
Tahun produksi: 2008
Bahan bakar: Bensin
Transmisi: Automatic
Warna: Hitam
Lokasi: Bali
Hubungi penjual: Hugo hananto     0811 7228 191

Ford Escape 2008 Limited Edition
Asli bali, tgn 1, automatic.
Sunroof dan electrical normal semua termasuk kunci dan remote asli.
AC super dingin, full original.
Surat2x lengkap dan hidup [taat pajak].
Ban Bridgestone Dueler AT R16 msh 90%.
Kondisi sangat terawat, tinggal pakai
Mesin 2.3L L4 DOHC with 16-valve , 2.300  cc
Tenaga maksimum 157 / 6.000 (PS / rpm)
Torsi maksimum 200 /4.000 (Nm / rpm)
Transmisi Automatic with 4 Speed
Dimensi P x L x T 4437 mm x 2065 mm x 1727 mm
Suspensi Depan & Belakang Independant
Harga masih bisa NEGO asal serius dan tidak terlalu . Suksma
Chatt wa : 081558137181

Hubungi  Hugo hananto  :   0811 7228 191   
Ford escape 2008 Limited edition sunroof terawat (IMG-20200718-WA0016.jpg) Ford escape 2008 Limited edition sunroof terawat (IMG-20200718-WA0019.jpg) Ford escape 2008 Limited edition sunroof terawat (IMG-20200718-WA0018.jpg) Ford escape 2008 Limited edition sunroof terawat (IMG-20200718-WA0020.jpg) Ford escape 2008 Limited edition sunroof terawat (IMG-20200718-WA0021.jpg) Ford escape 2008 Limited edition sunroof terawat (IMG-20200718-WA0022.jpg) Ford escape 2008 Limited edition sunroof terawat (IMG-20200718-WA0011.jpg) Ford escape 2008 Limited edition sunroof terawat (IMG-20200718-WA0012.jpg) Ford escape 2008 Limited edition sunroof terawat (IMG-20200718-WA0013.jpg) Ford escape 2008 Limited edition sunroof terawat (IMG-20200718-WA0023.jpg) Ford escape 2008 Limited edition sunroof terawat (IMG-20200718-WA0024.jpg) Ford escape 2008 Limited edition sunroof terawat (IMG-20200718-WA0014.jpg) Ford escape 2008 Limited edition sunroof terawat (IMG-20200718-WA0025.jpg) Ford escape 2008 Limited edition sunroof terawat (IMG-20200718-WA0026.jpg) Ford escape 2008 Limited edition sunroof terawat (IMG-20200718-WA0027.jpg) Ford escape 2008 Limited edition sunroof terawat (IMG-20200718-WA0028.jpg) Ford escape 2008 Limited edition sunroof terawat (IMG-20200718-WA0029.jpg) Ford escape 2008 Limited edition sunroof terawat (IMG-20200718-WA0015.jpg) Ford escape 2008 Limited edition sunroof terawat (IMG-20200718-WA0017.jpg) Ford escape 2008 Limited edition sunroof terawat (IMG-20200718-WA0030.jpg)
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Hugo hananto
0811 7228 191
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